How to Make Sure you never Miss an Event
Constant travel can place all sorts of demands on your attention. Have you got the right paperwork in place to cross the next border? What are you going to do if you run out of foreign currency? And where are you going to be eating later?
With so much to think about, it can be easily for a birthday to slip your mind, particularly if the birthday in question belongs to someone obscure. The same applies to other events, like weddings. When you’re backpacking across the Australian outback, it’s easy to forget that your cousin twice removed on your dad’s side is getting married the following Tuesday.
Thankfully, there are now marvellous modern innovations which can ensure that you keep track of all of your dates, and act accordingly, wherever in the world you might be, and whatever else happens to be crossing your mind.
A card is a great way to demonstrate that you’re thinking of the person in question. Now, it can be difficult to track down a decent selection of cards when you’re on your travels, and trickier still to get the one you choose to its destination. A better way comes courtesy of services like Card Factory, which will print and deliver a custom card on your behalf.
Make a Call
If you want to get the message across to a special person on the other side of the world, then a great way is with the help of an impromptu call on Skype or some similar service. Arrange to be at a place with internet at the right time (taking account of time zone differences) and have some trusted friend or family member announce that you’ll be calling. Just a two-minute chat is enough to show that you care.
Make a Donation
Nowadays, many people will prefer a donation to a worthy cause than a cheap gift. If you know a charity that’s close to the person’s heart, then make a donation on their behalf. If it’s a wedding, then make a small contribution to the honeymoon fund. That’ll probably go down better than some kitchen gadget that they’re never going to use.
Make a Scrapbook
A scrapbook is a great way to preserve the memories of your expedition – and to present those memories to some special person. This is a high-effort undertaking, and you’ll want to go all in, but the results can be explosive. Leave plenty of time for your package to arrive!

*This is a collaborative post and photo is from Pexels.

One Comment
I see it is possible never to miss an event 🙂
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena