4 Ways to Make your Next Holiday a Relaxing one
Whether you fancy taking a road trip, or flying to a beautiful far-off destination, you likely want to squeeze in as much as you can during your holiday. When you only have so much time to see and do everything, it can feel like you need a rest from your holiday when you get back home! Instead of being overwhelmed, and feeling like you need to take a long nap at the end of your holiday, here are a handful of ways to ensure that your next holiday is a relaxing one, without giving up all the adventure.
1.Don’t plan everything before.
If you cram each of your days with a list of things you need to do, down to specific hours, you may love what you do, but you’ll simply be exhausted by the end of the trip. Instead, allow for some “down” time, or consider leaving days fully open for a more spontaneous trip, which can lead to some new adventures!
If you do want to plan to fill your entire trip, try to leave the first day open. This allows you to decompress from jet lag. You can take time walking around the neighborhood you’re in, or simply spend time on the patio of the cottage you might be staying in.
2.Consider getting a long-term holiday let.
If you love returning to the same area time and time again to get away from all the hustle and bustle of your normal life, you may want to consider purchasing a short-term let. If every summer, your family gathers together in the same place to chat, tell stories, cook great meals, and relax over a beer, you may want to consider purchasing a let. Taking a Holiday Let Mortgage doesn’t have to have you jumping through hoops, and the obvious advantage is that you’re not fumbling for reservations for a home weeks before your holiday. Knowing where you’ll be staying each year can make the holiday more relaxing.
3.Eat well.
This is not the time to count every calorie. You can learn a lot about a country’s culture by their street food, food served in restaurants, and at what types of drinks they serve at their local cafes. Stressing over everything you eat will lead you to feel less than relaxed when you’re looking for a plate of lettuce. Your travels should be about experiencing the local culture, and holding yourself back from all indulgences won’t feel relaxing, and you’ll miss out on experiences.
If you’re concerned about the financial side of fancy foods, make a list of the top few places you’d like to try, and focus on making your own snacks or certain meals the rest of the time.
4.Bring a good book.
If you’re traveling to a beautiful tropical place, there’s not much better than sitting beneath an oversized umbrella, surrounded by white sands, with a good book in hand. Here’s a list of 14 books to try on your next holiday. You don’t have to bring them all, but having a low-key hobby that you can bring with you means that you won’t be entirely broken-hearted on a day that you had intended on spending outside, only to have buckets of rain greet you that morning. Managing expectations is a huge part of being able to relax on holiday.

One Comment
Gail’s Snapshotsincursive
Wonderful post. I feel rested and energized already. 🌟✨💫