Careers for travel lovers
Do you have a passion for all things travel related, if so why not start a career within the travel industry? Here are some potential career choices:
Travel agent
If you have good geographical knowledge then why not get a job as a travel agent? You’ll get to help plan people’s dream holidays and a lot of companies will offer employee discount towards your own adventures so you’ll be able to go on some pretty amazing holidays too! If you don’t fancy working in a store you could also work from home as a travel advisor, check out Explorer Travel for more information and courses.
Tour guide
Showing people around who are on holiday sounds like a dream job and with tours located in many different destinations the world is your oyster. You’ll have to study up on your tour location and be very confident and passionate to do well in this role.
Flight attendant
Jet setting around the world and staying the night in different locations sounds perfect for anyone who loves to travel. Although you will have to work long hours and spend a lot of time away from home but on the plus side you do get heavily discounted flights.
Teaching English abroad
Learning English is popular all around the world and many companies like to hire a native English speaker. You could get some tutoring work teaching individuals or work in a school, college or university.
Most photographers travel at least a bit in their jobs whether that’s somewhere local or off to the Amazon to shoot some amazing wildlife shots. Many photographers work on a freelance basis so this might not be for you if you’re looking for something more stable.
Travel blogger
Getting paid to travel around sounds like an amazing job, however there is a lot of competition out there. You’ll have to put in a lot of work to become successful and work unpaid when you first start out. When you start out you’ll have to learn a lot about SEO and growing your following. Then start reaching out to travel companies and tourist boards.
Travel Consultant
These careers include consulting services of many varieties—international safety, travel public relations or marketing of travel based products. If you have an interest in travel, there is likely a consulting practice you could enter.

All good careers that allow you to travel. I guess fulltime paid blogging would be the choice of most travellers though wouldn’t it? We could do with that as neither of us work and travel fulltime.
Sure. I would love full time paid blogging. Please advise how I can kick off.