Benefits of a summer walking holiday with your family
Have you been on a walking holiday with your family before? Or are you thinking of booking one? Walking holidays in the summer months is extremely enjoyable and something that your family can really benefit from. Not only do families feel closer after a breakaway, but it also reduces any tension due to life stages (such as exams, work troubles etc). Walking holiday also gets you all active helping you reach your fitness goals as well as you being able to see a myriad of breathtaking sceneries – the new family portrait needs to be taken when on your adventure.
Where you go on a summer walking holiday depends on where you haven’t been recently – it’s always nice to see a new destination. Most countries will offer walking holidays (such as one in Sicily) which include visiting popular cities. The best thing to do is reach out to a provider and see what itineraries they have available that will match your requirements.
Below we look into the benefits of a summer walking holiday with your family.
Quality time together without electronics
As a family at home, a lot of the time, you will have your phones out or other electronic devices, reducing the amount of quality time you spend together. Phones, tablets, and laptops cause distractions and distract your attention from a conversation you may have. When on a walking holiday, you won’t have any devices to be distracted by. Instead, you will be walking and have plenty of one-on-one time together where you can really catch up.
Create new memories together
One of the most beautiful things in life is creating new memories with other people which you can cherish forever. As a family, you will be exploring, seeing new things and creating many new memories that you will talk about over the future years. It’s important to create new memories as a family as this can make your bond together even stronger.

Spend time outside instead of in
In your day-to-day life, you may find a lot of your time bonding as a family is indoors – eating dinner, watching TV, playing board games etc. When going on a summer walking holiday, your time is spent outdoors, breathing in the fresh air. Not only is this good for your mental health but also reduces stress levels. If you are going through a hard time at work or your children are going through their exams, a breakaway outside can really help.
Hopefully, our guide has helped convince you that a walking holiday is very beneficial not only for you but also for your family. Each year many people head out on a walking holiday and decide to book another a year later!
What benefits do you think a walking holiday offers to a family? Which of the above benefits do you most agree with? Are there any tips that you would like to share about hiking that will help our readers? Let us know in the comment box below, we would love to hear from you.