Celebrating Christmas in the Summer
Are you someone who longs to make Christmas cheer last for more than one day a year? If Christmas is the one holiday that you wished you could enjoy more than once every 365 days, you might want to join in with the tradition of celebrating Christmas in Summer. When we add our love of all things festive to the events of the last few months, then it makes sense to dust off our baubles and hang those stockings. Like Christmas, this is a time to bring our family and friends together who we’ve not seen for a while.
Here’s a look at what Christmas in Summer is and how we can do it too.
What is Christmas in Summer?
While it might seem like a quirky thing to do, Christmas in Summer has become a tradition in different countries across the world.
Australians, for example, have two Christmases and they like to make the most of their winter by introducing the festive fun to what are typically warm summer days over here in the UK. From wearing Christmas jumpers to enjoying the illuminations, the Aussies know how to make everything Christmassy in the August.
Meanwhile, over in America, this event has been celebrated since it started at a girls’ camp in North Carolina in 1933. Today, in the heat of the sun, presents are exchanged and carollers sing. The only difference is that everyone goes for a swim to cool off afterwards.
How to make it your own
So, with other countries already enjoying some Christmas fun, it’s possible for you to do the same thing. Invest in a chocolate advent calendar and dig out the tinsel to mark your own celebrations.
Here are some ideas to help you get into the festive spirit:
– Dress the tree
Setting up your tree is the biggest commitment you’ll make, but it’s a sure-fire way to remind you that the Christmas tree is the ultimate representation of Christmas
– Make mince pies
We’ve all spent lockdown baking banana bread and attempting sourdough. Time to invest in mincemeat and get to work on your pastry.
– Write cards
If you’ve not had a chance to write Christmas cards in recent years, why not search through your box of leftovers and send them to those who you want to join you for your mid-July Christmas fun? You could even get creative with old cards and craft new ones.
Will you be celebrating Christmas in Summer this year? What will you do to make it festive?

Fun idea
Thanks 😀