How to keep on top of your administration while living abroad
If you live in a country that isn’t your homeland, or even if you split your time between two places, it can be very challenging to keep on top of your administration. Paying your taxes, keeping on top of medical records and generally having your affairs in order can be very difficult if you are trying to do it all from overseas.
If you find yourself in this bind, you’re in the right place. In today’s post we will explore how to make life easier for yourself, with three administrative hacks that’ll make the boring stuff more efficient and accessible, no matter where you are!
Let’s go!
1.Pool your mail using a virtual address.
You may not have heard of virtual addresses, but this tool could be a life saver for you! A virtual address is essentially a mail service that receives and digitises all your mail, so that no matter where you are in the world, you receive it immediately. If you move between two countries often, this kind of service is essential for you – you’ll get your mail right away and be able to respond in a timely manner.
Plus, you can have both a business and personal mailbox so you never get your wires crossed. No more arriving home to piles of unread mail – it’s time for the mailbox revolution!
2.Use an international accountant.
If you have multiple bank accounts across multiple nationalities, organising paying your tax and generally maintaining your finances can become stressful. Using an international accountant will help assuage your worries, because all your finances can be dealt with under one roof. You can discuss how to arrange your finances to benefit you, and seek advice on taxation across multiple nations if that is the position you are in.
By using an international accountant you cut out endless hassle and back-and-forth, and save yourself and your accountants hours of time. Plus, you’ll only be paying one account’s fees, rather than two!
3.Get help from an interpreter or friend.
If you are still yet to learn the language of the place in which you live, you might struggle to keep on top of your administration. Things like opening a bank account can seem so simple, but if you can’t speak the language, it can turn out to be very challenging.
Luckily, many places such as banks and hospitals can provide you with an interpreter if you need one. Alternatively you can take a friend with you who has a better grasp on the language, so that you can be sure you are getting across what you want to say in the meeting or appointment.
Especially when it comes to medical or financial records and appointments, it is crucial that all the information is correct. Don’t hesitate to contact a friend or hire an interpreter if you feel you can’t get across what you need.
Final Thoughts
Living abroad is an amazing experience, but can pose some administrative challenges! Use this blog to help you ease administrative stress and enjoy life a little more!

Brilliant tips, that’s for sure. 👏
Thank you, glad you liked them!