Moving House? Make Sure You Avoid These Top 5 Mistakes
Are you moving house in the next few months? Then are certain things that you need to organise before the big move-in day. It’s already a stressful process to go through – so you want to minimise the number of last-minute things to do.
You don’t want to find that you’re rushing around on moving day trying to get things ready – you want to wake up on that day knowing that everything is in order. To help with this process, here are 5 mistakes that you should try and avoid when moving house:
Leaving Packing To The Day Before
Over the years, you will accumulate a lot of possessions. Which is why it’s so important that you pack up your things well ahead of moving day. This will ensure that everything is good to go when the moving company arrives and you’re not feeling overwhelmed.
To make this run smoother, try and take each room at a time and start by packing up things that aren’t essential. This way, as moving day approaches you’ll only have the ‘essentials’ box to pack.
Forgetting To Plan in Advance
Way ahead of moving day make sure that your home is ready – from cleaning the house to defrosting and eating all of the food in your freezer, you’ll be in a better position on moving day. Often, people only start to pack up their items – instead of remembering all of the other things they need to do in advance.
Not Decluttering Ahead of Time
As mentioned above, many people will have dozens of items from years of living within a home. Which is why it’s a good idea to declutter before the move. The perfect opportunity to organise all of your belongings and get rid of items that you no longer use, it will save you stress come moving day.
Spend a few weekends sorting through your house. Anything that you don’t need you can then give to a charity shop or sell online.
Not Hiring A Moving Company
Now, not everyone will want to hire a moving company. But if you have a lot of items and you want a more stress-free move, then it’s worth hiring a moving company. Not only can they move your items in boxes on the day, but they can also pack your things for you and unpack them on the other end.
Spend some time beforehand comparing and contrasting a variety of different companies – paying attention to the price, where they are located, exactly what their service entails, etc. You should also look at customer reviews to see what others have thought of their service. An example of a company that offers such services is – https://www.mybekins.com/locations/scottsdale-az-movers/.
Not Measuring The Furniture
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when moving home is not measuring their furniture before move-in day. Whether you’re bringing your old furniture with you or you’re buying new ones, you need to know that they fit into your new home before the day. Otherwise, you’ll find that you or your movers are struggling to fit in your items!