The Surrey Digital Awards & Liebster Award
I am so pleased to announce that I’m a blog finalist for the Surrey Digital Awards 2017! The awards recognise online and business innovation across Surrey. The Digital Awards are also held in 6 other counties in the UK. I am so excited to attend the awards evening on the 9th of March.
I was also nominated for a Liebster award from Kritt at Pulse London the blog features some great places to go in London.
The Liebster award is a great way to discover new bloggers! Here are the questions I was asked:
1.Have you visited London? If so, what do you like most about London? If not, what would do in London if you were a visitor for a day or two?
I don’t live too far from London so visit quite often. I love that there’s so many different things going on all the time. My favourite day out in London would be going to see a musical, doing some shopping and going out for food. I also really love exploring the markets in Camden.
2.If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Flying somewhere I haven’t been before either a city break or somewhere hot. Eating in loads of fancy restaurants, having a massage then going to see a singer or band perform.
3.What does your perfect day look like?
It would start with brunch as it’s my favourite meal ever! Then I would meet up with friends and for a day out maybe in Oxford or Cambridge. We would also have lunch and dinner out, my perfect day is basically eating a lot of food haha!
4.Where do you most want to travel but have never been?
I really want to go to Canada and America I am hoping to go there this year! Canada looks so beautiful I really want to visit the Niagara falls.
5.Whats the wackiest/strangest/quirkiest experience you’ve ever had?
I went on a trek in Sapa in Vietnam. We got off the coach and loads of ladies approached us asking for us to do a homestay with them. We ended up going on a 4 hour trek to this ladies house in the middle of nowhere. Looking back I hadn’t told anyone where I was going and anything could of happened to us. It did end up being an amazing trip we stayed with a family and they were so friendly and cooked us dinner and breakfast. We also learnt about how they live off the land and its so nice seeing a different way of living. These people have hardly any money but are so happy!
For this award I am nominating
The questions are:
- Why did you start blogging?
- Where is your favourite place you’ve travelled to?
- Where do you most want to travel to but haven’t been before?
- Have you ever been solo travelling?
- What does your perfect day look like?

Congratulations!!! 🎉🎊🌺
Thank you!
Vy from VYLYST
What an inspiring award! Many thanks! 🙂
Thanks 🙂