Thrill Seekers Listen Up!
For those of you who love to feel that rush of adrenaline, you’re in the right place. Life is just one big adventure, and anyone who is wasting it by not finding their thrills in life, is definitely missing out. There’s just so much to do in this world, and even though we have a lifetime to do them all, we’re never going to be able to. But what we can do, is take some time to find those crazy experiences in life, and make the most of them. So if you haven’t done this before, we think it’s about time that you created your own bucketlist of things that you want to do in life, that you know will get your heart racing. But if your mind is drawing up blank, perhaps you’re not really used to do something daring, then this article is going to be perfect for you. There’s so many things that we think you should try and squeeze into this year, some are a little more expensive than others, but all of them will be totally worth it. So keep on reading, and see what we think you should be doing this year.

An Adrenaline Filled Holiday
If you don’t have a holiday booked at the minute, then it’s about time that you logged onto your laptop and started looking. Being able to go on holiday is a privilege that most of us take for granted, but now is the time to truly make the most of it. So if you want an adrenaline filled holiday, one of the best that we think you should be going for, is a snowboarding or skiing holiday. It’s hard not to have a rush of adrenaline as you try to look to the bottom of the slope, but can barely see the middle, and you’re edging forward to fly down it. It can take some time to get used to, but that’s why they recommend that you have some lessons before you go, to make sure that you’re going to be able to do it safely. When you’re done flying down the slopes for the day, you’ll have incredible accommodation if you go through companies such as Purple Ski. It truly is an amazing holiday, and although people usually only go for a week, that’s pretty much all you need to go for. There are other types of holidays that would get your blood pumping, but this has to be the best in our eyes.
Going Way Up High
So now time to get up in the sky. Some of you will have an adrenaline rush right from the moment that you get on a plane, simply because you’re so nervous when flying. But getting on a plane and jetting off to a holiday destination is not what we had in mind. We think you should do something really daring, and try skydiving. Yes, there is the imminent danger of death, but the statistics for a parachute not opening are so miniscule, that you never hear of it happening. You need to make sure you’re going with a reliable company, and listening to all of the safety demonstrations that they’re giving you. When you get up there, your heart will be pounding like never before, and as you look over the plane, on the edge and ready to jump, you will be mesmerised by the ground below. And before you know it, you’ll be plummeting towards it with the biggest adrenaline rush of your life. It’s better to do this with someone you know, so you’re not going all the way up there on your own, and you know you won’t be the only one jumping!
Picking Up The Speed
So now it’s time to stick to the ground, and there are still plenty of ways that you can pick up the speed, as well as your heart rate. One of the best things you can do, is get ina rally car with a professional driver on an experience day, and be thrown around a track at speed. Even if you’re not into your cars, this is so much more fun than you would think, and it’s something we definitely recommend you try if you haven’t done anything similar before. There will be a ton of experience days that offer this, you just have to find one that’s actually going to be good. So many of them offer a ten minute experience, which really isn’t enough. Try and bag yourself one where you get to drive the car as well!
Are you a thrill seeker?
*This is a collaborative post*