Leightons Opticians Ultimate Eye Examination
Last month I got to test out the Ultimate Eye Examination which includes unique Retinal Photography and an OCT scan – providing 3D views of the retina and the ability to detect serious eye conditions up to 5 years earlier than a normal test. As I work at a computer a lot, it’s important to go for regular eye tests to make sure I’m not straining my eyes.
The test detects
- Your vision to see if correction is needed with glasses or contact lenses
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma and other eye conditions
- Health issues such as diabetes
The eye examination
All the staff at Leightons were very friendly, Anne the Optometrist who carried out my eye examination, was really helpful and informative. The eye test starts with a few questions about your eye health, then you start reading letters from a screen whilst wearing a pair of glasses. Different lenses are inserted into the glasses to see which lens will benefit your eyes. After this, the OCT test will begin, where you rest your chin on the machine above and look into the lens. You then look at a green dot and at the end a photo is taken of the eye.
The test can detect serious eye conditions 5 years before most other eye exams. If you have a lot of eye problems or glaucoma runs in the family this test would be ideal for you. Anne showed me the photo taken of my eye and explained how they detect serious eye conditions. Luckily my test results were good and I didn’t have any serious eye conditions. It did show that I have an astigmatism which means my eyes aren’t perfectly round – this can make it difficult to focus on small writing. I have glasses which I wear for reading and working on the computer. My prescription for this test was slightly higher than the one I had over a year ago so I’ll be buying some new reading glasses.
With summer coming up, Leightons offer a range of sunglasses. Sunglasses with full UV protection work towards keeping your eyes healthy by preventing the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. They dramatically reduce the amount of ultraviolet that enters your eyes.
Check out Leightons Opticians here.
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*Disclaimer – I was invited to try the examination in exchange for a review*