How To Travel The UK In A Van

Before anything else, you are going to need to spend some time focusing on which van you are going to buy. This is hugely important, of course, as it’s going to be your means of transport but also your home for the duration of your trip. You might well be spending a month or two on the road, so you also need to make sure that you have found a van you really trust with your life, and which is known to be reliable and safe. All of that is sometimes hard to come by, but as long as you know what you are looking for you should be able to find a suitable van for your UK road trip in no time.
The main point is to shop around, and to get clued up on the kinds of qualities you are likely going to want in a van – or at the very least, to take someone with you who knows what to look out for. If you’re travelling with someone else or your family, then you will also need to make sure that you involve them in the process. One of the main things here is finding a van of the right size, which all depends on how many people you are taking and what you expect from your van to provide you. If you take a look at the vans at https://www.swissvans.com/product/vw-transporter-sportline/ you will see an example of the kind of all-rounder that is generally going to be suitable for such a trip.
You should make sure that you don’t rush into this decision, as you want to be really happy with your choice, and that won’t happen if you try to do too much in one go. Instead, spend some time looking for just the right van, and allow plenty of time to find it long before you are planning on going on your road trip. That way, you are not going to be disappointed with what you get.

Before you go, it’s a good idea to give your van a good service, even if it is a new one or you know that one has been done recently. It’s a really effective way to make sure that you’re feeling as safe and secure as possible while on the road. You should of course ensure that you go to a mechanic you trust to have this done, but it’s worth splashing out for the best service they offer, just to make sure that the van is going to be in a good condition. You might be surprised how much of a toll a long road trip can ultimately take on a vehicle, and you need to make sure that you are taking proper care of it at all times.
As well as servicing it, you also need to ensure that you’re aware of the basics of the van and how to fix some of it’s more common problems that you might run into. Having a working knowledge of how it runs and what the parts are is definitely going to be a good idea, and you might want to take a crash course in how to fix the most common motor problems too, so that you can really ensure you are going to be safe in your van. The more you do that, the better you will feel about the whole process of road tripping.
What To Pack?
When you’re actually going on your road trip, what should you make sure you include in your pack? There are a lot of things to consider, and everyone’s list will be slightly different, but there are definitely a number of options that you might want to consider before you head off. One of the main types of things you need to pack is your emergency supplies, and it’s always good to be reminded of some of those things.

Generally, that will mean that you have a first aid kit, which is full and doesn’t need restocking. You should also always have extra water and food in the van, just in case you get stuck somewhere overnight and you need to be able to look after yourself. You should also pack a number of warm and comfy things, for the same reason. Likewise, having a spare tyre in the back is probably a good idea, as is having some jump leads – and maybe even a jump-start pack, as they don’t require the use of another car’s battery to get yours started.
As well as the emergency goods, you should make sure that you have all of the clothes you are likely going to wear, as well as any entertainment you might be keen on having with you. All of this is easier than it would be in many other kinds of holiday, because you have the van there and you can literally take as much as you want. However, be wary of taking anything too valuable, just in case someone does try to break into the van in order to get it.
With everything packed, you now need to think about where you are actually going to go.

There are so many different ways of doing this, and one of the joys of road tripping the UK is that you have so many options for where to go and what routes to take. There is also a surprising amount of beautiful sights you can find on this island. You can either go completely rogue and not plan your routes at all, or you can plan them strictly. What most people do, is to plan your route a little, but allow yourself room for moving around as you see fit, and changing up the plans where necessary.
However you do it, you should make sure you have a number of maps, including a road atlas of the UK and an OS map for any area that you are hoping to explore in detail. You might also want to make sure you have a GPS system, even if it is just the one on your phone, and an extra charger for it just in case. You can also download an OS app, through which you can then gain access to local OS maps for wherever you happen to be.
Apart from that, allow yourself the chance to get a little lost, and you will find that it is all so much more fun! Road tripping the UK in a van can be enormously exciting, so this is definitely something to think about.

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Gail’s Snapshotsincursive
VW vans intrigue me simply because their history, shape, and colors are captivating. How could it not spell ADVENTURE? ✌️